GeoPura Showcase

GeoPura is a leading hydrogen innovator committed to driving the adoption of clean and sustainable energy solutions. GeoPura aims to reshape the energy landscape and accelerate the transition through zero emission fuels.

GeoPura currently provides hydrogen power to Balfour Beatty, HS2, National Grid and the BBC among other sustainability-driven customers, replacing traditional diesel generators with itsĀ  HPU, hydrogen powered generator technology.

Geopura Hydrogen Power Unit

The HPUs are used for temporary, supplementary, off grid and backup power. GeoPura plans to grow the use of hydrogen into other hard-to-decarbonise areas of our energy system, such as EV charging and supplementary grid power, as economies continue to electrify.

With hubs in Nottingham and Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK, GeoPura is mass manufacturing HPUs alongside partner Siemens Energy and investing in the production of green hydrogen to fuel the units.

GeoPura plans to deploy a fleet of over 3,600 HPUs by 2033, providing clean, low-cost reliable power, and displacing more than six million tonnes of CO2 emissions through their operation over their life.
