East Midlands Hydrogen Priorities

Together, the East Midlands Hydrogen Lead Partners have made the following 7 commitments:

EMH Landscape
Uniper Siter Overview Uniper

Uniper has been working with regional partners to develop a vision for the future of the Ratcliffe power station site.

1. Support

We commit to supporting bids for investment in low carbon hydrogen production and storage.

Production of hydrogen is one of the 3 most vital components of the hydrogen economy, alongside distribution and end use. East Midlands Hydrogen will continue to raise awareness of the unique production potential of the East Midlands Hydrogen Region to prospective hydrogen producers and investors. We will also continue to connect producers to end users thus supporting successful applications by producers for revenue support under the Hydrogen Production Business Model.

Female Engineer Looking Out Of Van Cadent

Cadent’s next milestone is in early 2024, when they will submit a request to Ofgem for funding to undertake further engineering work, with the aim of starting construction in 2028.

2. Drive

We commit to drive the development of hydrogen distribution infrastructure.

We are advocating for the critical need for a pipeline to connect hydrogen producers and with their market and allow industrial end customers to use hydrogen to decarbonise their operations. We will also help build awareness of home-grown companies that use lower volume distribution methods such tube trailer, enabling access to hydrogen for highly distributed or transitionary hydrogen needs such as generators and mobile hydrogen refuellers.

Newark British Sugar Factory Photo Britishsugarlogo 150318
British Sugar

British Sugar, as part of the ABF Sugar division, has targeted to reduce their carbon footprint by 30% by 2030.

3. Encourage

Encourage fuel switching to hydrogen by industrial and commercial organisations.

Through East Midlands Hydrogen, we will accelerate the level of hydrogen production in the region and work in partnership with businesses and other employers to match demand with supply.

There is clear demand from businesses, including the unique advanced manufacturing cluster based around Derby, the East Midlands Freeport and our significant and growing logistics sector. 

Our thriving food and drink, construction materials, aviation and automotive sectors all recognise the opportunity to utilise hydrogen towards reducing carbon emissions.

We will also explore the opportunities for hydrogen as a decarbonised fuel option for district heating networks. This aggregated demand provides an exciting opportunity to accelerate investment, and employment in innovative industrial sectors and contribute to the country’s carbon reduction ambitions. 

East Midlands Hydrogen Industrial Hydrogen Forecasts to Date

Hydrogen Demand Forcast

Hydrogen forecasts received
by sector (GWh) - 2030


Hydrogen forecasts received
by sector (GWh) - 2035


Hydrogen forecasts received
by sector (GWh) - beyond 2035

2035 Onwards
Nottingham Heritage Council House 8 Midlands Engine Scaled

4. Ensure

We'll ensure that hydrogen is accounted for in Local Area 
Energy Planning.

Local authorities in the region are working together to develop England’s biggest and most ambitious Local Area Energy Plan (LAEP). That will provide clarity on which low carbon energy sources are best suited to which parts of our region. Based on earlier pilots, this has the potential to take over 10% out of future development costs by helping more effective targeting of investment. East Midlands Hydrogen will ensure that a compelling case is made for hydrogen wherever it is the right solution.

Two Males Testing Pipe East Midlands Freeport
East Midlands Freeport

It will sit under the umbrella of the East Midlands Institute of Technology (EMIoT), providing skills to meet the growing demands of the energy and advanced manufacturing sectors in the East Midlands.

5. Grow

We will grow our hydrogen education and skills offering.

We know that we have a strong foundation of low carbon industries that is growing already and adding hydrogen into the mix will create an even greater imperative for a pipeline of skilled talent from our schools, colleges and universities, accelerating that growth.

The East Midlands Freeport has ambitious plans for a Future Energy Skills Hub, which will be developed by the Freeport in partnership with the East Midlands Institute of Technology and will have a regional reach. 

East Midlands Hydrogen will work with partners across the industry and the skills system to ensure that the need for skills in hydrogen and complementary sectors are articulated by industry and then supplied by our colleagues in education and skills.

Hydrogen Pump
Pipe System Net Zero Hub
East Midlands Gateway

East Midlands Gateway is the highest ranked Midlands location to host a strategic regional transport and energy hub.

6. Accelerate

We commit to accelerate hydrogen freight decarbonisation.

We sit at the heart of the UK’s logistics corridors, with 80% of UK freight passing through the Midlands.

Ambitious plans are being explored, supported by the Department for Transport, for national-scale refuelling hubs close to M1 junction 24 and East Midlands Airport.

East Midlands Hydrogen will work with the potential users and producers of hydrogen in our region to help bring forward those plans as quickly as possible so that our region is not just beginning to supply itself with hydrogen, but also supporting the decarbonisation of freight across the UK. 

RKP Hydrogen Hilux 107 Toyota Manufacturing UK
Toyota Hydrogen Hi-Lux

In the long-term, Toyota considers hydrogen and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles to be the ultimate environmentally friendly solution.

7. Promote

We commit to promote and support hydrogen technology companies and regional innovation.

Our region is home to incredible innovation in low carbon in our three world-class universities, our three higher education institutes and in our private sector businesses:

Hydrogen technologies for transport are being developed by Rolls-Royce (aviation), Toyota (road vehicles) and Alstom (trains).

The decision by Vaillant to bring 200 new jobs in low carbon heating technology to St Modwen’s Park, Derby is a huge sign that business knows this is the place to grow innovative low carbon businesses.

East Midlands Hydrogen’s role in innovation will be to make connections that allow access to resources that accelerate innovation ensure that our partners are aware of and linked to the support of partners such as the Energy Research Accelerator’s HyDEX programme for innovation in hydrogen. We will complement and strengthen the support for innovation in the region.

Mercia Power Glossop Claire

Interested in producing or consuming hydrogen?

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